A star is born - News | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

A star is born

A new funeral cooperative has joined our constellation: the Coopérative funéraire de Laval was born last February 12. It is a product of the desire expressed at our last strategic planning session to develop a few cooperatives in the Greater Montreal market.

At present, 400 persons have signed their membership cards, and recruitment is continuing. Last June the organizational general meeting was held, where over 150 persons came together to provide the cooperative with its first general by-laws and elect the first board of directors. The next steps to follow are the location analyses and the establishment of the first service point. It is our hope that the cooperative will be able to start up operations in 2012.

With the launch of the Coopérative funéraire de l'Île de Montréal, an expansion project for the Coopérative funéraire de la Rive-Sud and the field work for a project in the northern suburbs, we should be able to offer cooperative funeral services to the several million people who live in Montreal and surroundings.