Sudbury: Funeral home's flag-raising honours fallen soldiers - News | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Sudbury: Funeral home's flag-raising honours fallen soldiers

The Co-operative Funeral Home on Lasalle Boulevard marked the start of its 60th anniversary celebrations Aug. 30 with a flag-raising ceremony.

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The funeral home was founded July 1, 1952.

"Since December 2009, we have been honouring Canada's fallen soldiers in Afghanistan," Gerry Berthelot, president of the funeral home, said in a press release.

"We have planted small flags in front of our building at the corner of Lasalle Boulevard and Notre Dame Avenue to honour the 157 soldiers who have lost their lives to date.

"Today's flag-raising ceremony is meant as a first permanent reminder of their sacrifice."

Sudbury MP Glenn Thibeault spoke at the ceremony.

"We must thank the personnel, the administrators, and the nearly 4,000 members of the Co-operative Funeral Home, Sudbury District, for this expression of gratitude that touches the citizens of our community," Thibeault said.

"I also take this opportunity to wish happy 60th anniversary celebrations to the only co-operative funeral home in all of Ontario."

By Heidi Ulrichsen
Northern Life