Leclerc, Yves - Obituaries | Fédération des Coopératives Funéraires du Québec

Leclerc, Yves


1959 - 2019

Called upon to his next chapter and watch over his family, Yves Leclerc passed away on Thursday, February 7th at the Hospital Haut Richelieu.  Beloved husband of 40 years to Lise Bricault, cherished father to Gabriel (Robyn) and Alexandre (Jill), idealized grand-father to Justin, Noah, Arielle, Olivier, Joshua and Hayley.


Yves was born on January 6, 1959 in Marieville and fate quickly drew him to success at an early age.  An accomplished athlete at the provincial level in his early teens, Yves went on to quarter-back the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees and helping them win the Vanier Cup in the undefeated 1975 team at the age of 16.


He went on to graduate at 20 with the Governor's Gold Medal for the school's highest average.  After turning down an opportunity to play for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, he guided his family halfway across the world to the MIddle East to become Director of one of the world's largest technology companies at the age of 32 and Vice-President back in Canada at 40.


An accomplished wood worker with a hobby of building furniture, a long distance cyclist and passion of the outdoors, he suffered an unfortunate illness combined with multiple strokes that put an abrupt end to his love of sports.  We will miss his quirky, dry sense of humour but his shining work ethics will live on in our hearts forever.


The family will receive condolences on Saturday, February 16th at 18h00 with a Celebration of Life Ceremony starting at 19h30, followed by a reception until 22h00


Service will take place at:


Cooperative funeraire du Grand Montreal

Residence funeraire de St-Hubert

5000 boul. Cousineau, St-Hubert


In lieu of flowers, the family would like to encourage donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.


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23 messages received

Yves , Lise , Gabriel et Alexandre .

Nous garderons de toi Yves le souvenir d’un homme très gentil , intelligent et protecteur . Un ami inoubliable ...
Lise , lumineuse , joyeuse ... Je te serre dans mes bras .
Gabriel et Alexandre , je suis à vos côtés dans cette immense peine .

Odile Lacroix, February 11, 2019

Lisa, Gabe Alex and your families,

I’ve been thinking of you all everyday since your loss, the things that bring comfort is how what an absolute gentleman he was, a pleasure to talk to about anything with the best conversation, but most of all he treated us like family, especially the memories in St Donut. We will miss you Yves and hope you find peace in knowing what a wonderful legacy you left. Lisa may your heart be filled with happiness of the great couple you two made. To Gabe and Alex you’re both wonderful men like your dad ♥️

Gianna , February 11, 2019


Mes sympathies en ce moment difficile, et je rends hommage à ton courage des dernières années d’épreuves. Yves a été un champion chez Oracle Canada, et il a été apprécié par tous ceux avec qui il a collaboré , clients, représentants des ventes , ou partenaires d’affaires, partout au Canada.

Bon courage

Michel Lozeau, February 11, 2019

Lise, Alexandre, Gabriel, les petits enfants et toute la famille

Nos plus sincères sympathies ã toi Lise et à vous tous et toutes qui vivez un moment difficile...Yves restera dans nos coeurs l’homme disponible, discret et nous nous souviendrons longtemps des moments heureux passés ensemble à Saint-Donat. Nous soulignons Lise, ta grande résilience face aux épreuves des dernières années et te disons bravo pour tout ce que tu as fait.
On vous embrasse de la Martinique
Johanne et François

Johanne L’Heureux, February 11, 2019

Gabe and Family

Our deepest condolences to you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

Alex and Rema Mariani, February 11, 2019

La Famille Leclerc et Bricault

En ces moments si difficiles, je désirais vous témoigner mes sincères condoléances à toutes les Familles touchées par le décès d’Yves.
Étant un ancien copain de football, j’ai été attristé d’apprendre la nouvelle.
Je garde dans ma tête et dans mon cœur l’homme que j’ai connu dans ma jeunesse.
M.Yves Leclerc sera dans mes pensées et mes prières.
jean calgaro

jean calgaro, February 11, 2019

Lise Leclerc

Bonjour Lise,

Jeff et moi t'offrons nos sincères sympathies. Nous pensons à toi en ces temps difficiles. Nous gardons d'excellents souvenirs des bons moments passés avec Yves et toi au chalet et ailleurs. Nous te souhaitons bon courage et sommes certains qu'Yves veillera sur toi et ta famille.
Affectueusement, Linda et Jeff xx

Linda Fitzgerald, February 11, 2019


Nous ne pouvons être avec toi mais nous voulions t’offrir toute nos sympathies à toi et toute ta famille, on pense à toi
Bon courage

Carole Dubuc et J-C Vaillancourt, February 12, 2019

Lise et famille

C’est avec tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Yves. Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous en ce moment difficile. Les années passent trop vite et nous n’avons pas eu l’occasion de rester en contact, mais nous gardons d’excellent souvenirs des moments partagés à Dubai.

Diane Lavergne et Ghassan Gebrayel, February 12, 2019

Lise Bricault (Yves Leclerc)

Dearest Lise, I am not sure whether you will remember me but I worked with Yves at Oracle Middle East from 1989-1993. You may remember Pris MacKinnon - it was Pris who told me the sad news of Yves passing and I wanted you to know how terribly sorry I am for you and your family. I hope that you will find strength and courage and am sure that eventually, your happy memories with Yves will outweigh the grief and sadness that you feel now.
Pris and I have many happy memories of working for Yves at Oracle, I think sometimes we used to drive him mad with our antics but we always laughed - he was so very patient! Yves was a true professional and taught me much in the few years I worked with him.

God bless Lise and please accept my sincere sympathy.

Julie Baines, February 13, 2019

Gabriel Leclerc & Family

Our deepest sympathies to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you grieve the loss of such an extraordinary man. Peter and Brenda

Brenda Sheahan, February 13, 2019

Lise, Gabriel, Alexandre and family

It is with great sadness to learn about Yves passing. I had the pleasure of meeting you with Yves during our Hall of Fame induction. It was an honour and a privilege to know this fine individual and true gentleman. He was our hero and have fond memories of our time together as teammates in 1975. My fondest memory was catching his passes which he threw with ease 50 yards with either arm. I was so happy to see him at Father and Sons during the induction meeting and the picture of him, Bob Swan and myself is something I will always cherish. RIP my brother in arms

Duncan Armstrong, February 13, 2019

Lise Bricault

Chère Lise
Nous venons d'apprendre le décès d'Yves.Les dernières années de sa vie ont été certes très difficiles et nous ont dévoilé une femme,une amoureuse qui a suscité notre admiration.Nous nous souviendrons de Vous à La Belle Époque de Saint-Donat,où Les activités se faisaient sous le signe de l'amitié,du plaisir et de combien de rires.Nous te transmettons à toi,vos enfants et petits enfants nos condoléances les plus sincères.Nous ne pourrons être présents aux obsèques (retenus en Floride)Mais nos pensées seront avec vous.On t'embrasse et Bon courage.
Carole et Serge Robillard

Serge et Carole Robillard, February 14, 2019

Lise Gabriel et Alexandre

Nos sympathies en ce moment difficile, nous rendons hommage à votre courage.
Nous savons tout l’amour que vous avez eu pour Yves, et votre deuil doit, bien sûr être aussi grand que que cet amour.
Nous regrettons de ne pouvoir assister à la cérémonie et espérons vous voir à St Donat.
Nicole et Jean Brault

Nicole et Jean Brault, February 15, 2019

Lise et sa famille

Ensemble vous avez vu les quatre coins du monde et joui de la vie. Tellement à dire sur la vie bien remplie de Yves. Il sera dans vos coeurs toute votre vie.

Sympathies et Grosses bises

Marie-Eve Et Christopher, February 15, 2019

The Leclerc Family

I have had the privilege and honour to know Yves for well over a decade. Over time we became as close as colleagues could be and enjoyed each other’s company.

Yves was always a gentleman, but more than that he was a friend and a mentor to many. In an industry and environment that could be cold, he brought warmth, poise and respect. In a world of insecurity and uncertainty, I’ve never heard a negative thing said about Yves Leclerc.

I feel richer for having known him and wish you my most sincere condolences.

Yves Stanojlovic , February 15, 2019

Gabe, Lise and family

Please accept my condolences on behalf of my entire family on the loss of your husband, and father Yves. I have come to know Yves and his beautiful relationship with your family through countless stories (often told by Gabe). In the years I have know Gabriel and his family, these heartwarming stories have let me in on a life of a man who clearly valued family, and his passion for life. We are incredibly sorry for your loss, and we will remember him in spirit. All of our thoughts and prayers with you all. In lieu of your request - we have left a donation in his name with the Heart and Stroke foundation. Shawn and Michele Todd, and our family - Olivia, Alisha, and Rowan.

Shawn Todd, February 15, 2019

Benoît Leclerc et Famille

Mes sincères condoléances. Nos prières sont avec vous. Yves m'a marqué personnellement par sa générosité et sa volonté d'aider tout en restant humble et humain. Je suis certain qu'il est dans une meilleure place. Je pense à vous. Elhami

Elhami Sidarous, February 15, 2019

Lise, ses enfants, ses petits-enfants sa famille

Samedi 16 février 2019, journée de tristesse mais aussi de rassemblement. Que ton mari Lise repose en paix, il veille sur vous tous. Je ne suis pas avec vous de corps mais en pensée.
Toute mon affection, cousine Cécile.

Cécile Girard, February 16, 2019

La famille

J’au eu le privilège de travailler avec Yves. Il a été mon collègue et mon counsellor. J’admirais sa façon élégante et créative de faire face à des situations très complexes. J’ai appris beaucoup avec son style de gestion, son sense de justice et sa grande générosité.

Mes pensées sont avec vous dans ces moments difficiles.

Silvino Mezzari , February 16, 2019

Benoit Leclerc

Mes sincères condoléances à toi et toute ta famille.

Théo , February 16, 2019

Yves family

I lose a good long time friend
Naran Patel London

Naran patel , December 17, 2019

Lise, Gabriel, Alex

We are terribly shocked to hear of our great mentor Yves Leclerc and could not even reconcile ourselves to this!. My name is Paddy Padmanabhan and know Yves from 1992. He recruited me to work for him in Dubai, Kuwait, back in Canada and I spoke to him many times during 2015,16. I have visited your home in Gatineau with my family when Yves invited us. It has been a shock of my life to learn of this today on Sep 21 2020 almost 18+ months later :-( so sad that I could not help crying. Yves has been my mentor and guide in my career and is in my hearts always.
Our deepest condolences to Lise, Gaby , Alex and the entire family. Yves has been so proud of you all and always talks so high of you all. A Great Man who will remain in the hearts of many people.

with a deeply saddened heart
Paddy & Madhu
21Sep 2020

Paddy Padmanabhan, September 21, 2020

Make a donation :

Heart and Stroke Foundation Make a donation